Lightning Policy

Lightning Policy

 When LIGHTNING IS SIGHTED, all coaches must suspend practice immediately.  Coaches should account for all players.  All participants including coaches, parents and players should move to safe areas to avoid lightning strikes.

EACH time lightning is sighted, soccer may not resume play until 30 minutes have passed.  The 30-minute watch is restarted with every newly occurring lighting strike.  Coaches will monitor conditions during this time. NO ONE should take the field until 30 minutes have passed since the last lightning strike that was sighted.

Safe shelter includes:

  •  Inside a vehicle with the windows closed
  • Sturdy buildings (NOT the PODs)


Areas to AVOID include:

  •  Isolated trees, light poles (including temporary lights) or other tall objects, bodies of water, sheds, fences, bleachers, convertibles, tractors, bikes and motorcycles.  Avoid leaning against vehicles.
  • Do not stay in a group.  Stay several yards away from other people.


Teams that are found in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary actions at the sole discretion of the EBSC Board of Trustees. Disciplinary actions may range from verbal warnings through suspension/ termination of practice or coaching privileges.